"Holiness, Submission, and Glorification."
We declare in the name of Jesus Christ, The Son of God, a declaration of dependence in Yahweh by way of The Holy Spirit. Our minds, hearts, and bodies will be a holy sacrifice for the glory of Yahweh. Therefore, our inheritance, time, and relationships we surrender to the sovereign will of Yahweh, that none other than Christ will be glorified.
Each day will be dedicated to train one or more of the following spiritual disciplines: meditation of scripture by oral reading and intensive study in original languages, serious and continual prayer, heart-felt worship, serious fasting, intimate journaling, creative art, generous giving, solitude, and fellowship with God's elect with unconditional sacrificial love so that our wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the heart of Yahweh might grow in order to serve, educate, and protect the populace from the accuser, Satan.
Every moment will be guarded and tested with discernment so that our emotions might be pure in righteousness to produce a blessing for Yahweh so that we might be His delight assuring all praise and glory is delivered by divine right to His name. All actions and posture will manifest obedience by way of submission through divine union with The Holy Spirit. Therefore, all resources given or earned by the generosity of Yahweh, who gives life and takes life, will be tools for the ministry appointed to us by The Father through Christ Jesus' commission.
Every second will be our personal devotion, with conviction by The Holy Spirit, to be a lamp on a lamp stand, a shelter in the desert, and a well of supplementation in order to direct those entrusted in our care to Jesus Christ. Each peoples and nation encountered, bond created, and service given will be guided by The Holy Spirit in order to participate in the sovereign will of Yahweh to reach the complete number of saints The Father has chosen to be the bride of Christ before the foundation of the world, for His glory.
All suffering and persecution, including martyrdom by the sovereign will of Yahweh, will be embraced as a gift with joy, by sustaining grace and courage from the Holy Spirit, rendering praise to Him; by Yahweh's divine providence and sovereignty with the affirmed bride of Christ, we will be held accountable and holy, because The Great I AM is holy.
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